Surface Clean / Modification
Selective Co ALD for Chiplet-to-Wafer and Wafer to Wafer Bonding
Author(s): IITC Interconnect 2024 (San Jose)
Brute Hydrazine, Brute Peroxide
ALD (Oxide/Nitride), Surface Clean / Modification
Effect of Vapor-phase Cleaning Using Anhydrous N2H4 on Cu and Co for Area-Selective Atomic Layer Deposition
Author(s): Jin-Hyun Kim,a,b Sang Woo Kim, Su Min Hwang, Harrison Sejoon Kim, Yong Chan Jung, Luis Fabißn Pe±a, Kui Tan, Jean-Francois Veyan, Rino Choi, Daniel Alvarez, Jeff Spiegelman, and Jiyoung Kim
Brute Hydrazine
Area Selective Atomic Layer Deposition (ASD), Surface Clean / Modification
AS-TuP4 Investigation of In-situ Surface Cleaning of Cu Films using O3/O2 and N2H4
Author(s): Su Min Hwang, A.L.N. Kondusamy, Q. Zhiyang, H.S. Kim, L.F. Pe±a, K. Tan, J. Veyan, Daniel Alvarez, Jeffrey Spiegelman, Jiyoung Kim
Vapor-phase Surface Cleaning of Electroplated Cu Films Using Anhydrous N2H4
Author(s): Su Min Hwang, Luis Fabißn Pe±a, Kui Tan, Harrison Sejoon Kim, Aswin L. N. Kondusamy, Zhiyang Qin, Yong Chan Jung, Jean-Francois Veyan, Daniel Alvarez, Jeff Spiegelman, and Jiyoung Kim
Hydrogen Peroxide Gas Delivery for Atomic Layer Deposition, Annealing, and Surface Cleaning in Semiconductor Processing
Author(s): Jeffrey Spiegelman, Russ Holmes and Zohreh Shamsi
Brute Peroxide, Peroxidizer
ALD (Oxide/Nitride), Surface Clean / Modification
Cheating Raoult’s Law to Enable Delivery of Hydrogen Peroxide as a Stable Vapor
Author(s): Daniel Alvarez and Jeffrey Spiegelman
Brute Peroxide, Peroxidizer
ALD (Oxide/Nitride), Surface Clean / Modification